Spring is just around the corner!

Nanohana flower are often seen around this time of year.

Did you know that you can make various dishes with Nanohana?
To be honest, the only thing that came to mind for me was
OHITASHI is a side dish of boiled seasoned vegetables

Nowadays, there are many dishes using Nanohana, such as pasta and stir-fried Nanohana with oyster sauce.

This beautiful yellow color makes me feel that spring has come!
It's kind of exciting!!

In Japan,yesterday was warm days like this photo.
but today, I heard that it snowed in Tokyo.
Now we are going through such an unstable period.

In Japanese, it is called 三寒四温 sankan shikan (three cold and four warm days).

But spring will be here soon!



Actually, I was in a lovely town in South Osaka last week!
We call it jinaimachi, a kind of castle town where the old buildings have been preserved.
We call it jinaimachi. There was a festival called "hina-mururi" throughout the month of March, where people wander around and look at the hina dolls displayed in homes and stores.
I would like to introduce this story in the next issue with a video.